Hey you guys!
I noticed I don't need much to be happy. (Pretty sure that's a good thing. No 'Material girl', that only causes bitchfights)
Just some good friends, a dinnertable and a delicious meal.
Food unites people, that's for sure!
You should all try it. Get together on a saturday night, cook something you all like, and a nice evening is guaranteed. Talking, eating, drinking and laughing, can it get any better?
Oh and by the way, it doesn't even really matter whether the food is delicious. Gross things can be pretty fun too :)
Another thing that makes me feel terribly happy is music. Making music, listening to music or everything else you can do with music: i love it!
Whenever you're sad: listen a happy song! (for instance: Waylon - Happy Song, though that one gets really annoying after a while... you'd better listen to Wicked World by Laura Jansen) If you're feeling nervous, or anxious about something, listen to Glee - Don't stop believing.
When you feel like crying- and no, that isn't the same as feeling sad) you have 2 options:
- Cry, and listen to slow music, for example Fond au Noir bij Coeur de Pirate (I'm a huuuuge fan of their music by the way, doesn't matter what mood I'm in!)
- Try to smile again, and listen to uptempo songs like Jack McManus' 'Bang on the Piano' or one of my favourites: Frontin' by Jamie Cullem, the most genious man alive, in my opinion! though he's pretty u-g-l-y and he ain't got no alibi
Bad jokes.... Oh how I love 'em...
And this may sound weird, but the wheather makes me feel good too! Now I can hear you guys thinking: "I thought the wheather was bad in Holland?"
Yeah it is, most of the times... But every season brings something I love:
1. Springtime: okay this one's easy: flowers & t-shirts
2. Summer: does this really need an explanation?
3. Autumn. While some of you are thinking: she's mad, I think you're right... but I can't help it, I just enjoy hockeying in the pooring rain. Not just some raindrops, but raindrops the size of tennisballs and being totally soaked. And yes, I admit, that's pretty strange... I've one acceptable reason for loving the autumn: the colours. The pretty red, orange and yellow trees are just wonderful!
4. Winter. I've got to confess: I hate the cold, BUT, the snow is awesome. And it makes me feel happy, sitting inside with a cup of hot chocolate and lots of cookies, watching series online, or on TV.
Enough reasons for you?
I don't think you need reasons to be happy, at all. Sometimes you're just happy, just because... Well, just because!
No reason neccesary!
Just be happy!
"The best moments in life are unseen, that's why we close our eyes when we kiss and when we dream!"